A Little About Me:

I live in western Washington near the foothills of the Cascade mountains with my husband, 2 dogs and a flock of chickens. Until recently I worked in sales administration & marketing for an equipment dealership. A few years ago I started my own part-time website design business, which I enjoy very much.

With whatever free time I have, I enjoy photography (obviously), gardening, hiking and reading. My grandkids are some of my favorite subjects, but my camera is in hand just about anywhere I go.

Photography Background:

I am pretty much a self taught photographer. The only formal training I’ve had was a high school photography class, back in the dark ages – looooong before digital – where we spent most of our time fumbling around the darkroom with some rather disturbing chemicals.

I’ve always loved photography, beginning with a hand-me down box camera in 2nd grade. Several cameras later, I felt I’d really ‘arrived’ when I received a Miranda SLR as a HS graduation gift from my parents. This was well before auto-anything, which was probably good as I’ve been able to carry on with the knowledge of how to use the manual settings.

I hopped onboard with digital in the late 90’s, loving the instant gratification and ability to snap away without worrying about the price of film. And just as quickly, I learned that I absolutely love being able to manipulate my own images (in the daylight… without feeling like a bat in a cave!).  After using a variety of digital cameras over the years, including a Canon DSLR, I made up my mind to go mirrorless.

HS Photography Class
One of those old high school photos – processed in the smelly dark room

Old Time "Selfie"
Selfie in the mirror of my CWSC dorm room – with my prized Miranda SLR

With My Grandson
… and a much more recent shot with my grandson

Today’s Gear:

I upgraded to a Sony ILCE 6000, although I still use my Sony Nex 5N as a back-up camera. My E mount lenses include – 18-55mm zoom, 55-210 zoom, 30mm macro and a fixed 50mm portrait lens.  I’ve recently acquired a .24m wide angle, but haven’t had much chance to use it yet.

I do the majority of my editing with Adobe Photoshop Elements 2019 and Lightroom 6.

And while my iPhone will never replace my cameras, it definitely comes in handy and can be a lot of fun. I do a lot of mobile editing with the following apps:  Snapseed, Distressed FX Plus & Mextures and post my iPhone images on Instagram.  I really enjoy seeing the inspiring images that others share there.

What’s Next:

Loving photography as much as I do, I’ve realized I ought to get more serious about it. I’ve been determined to learn more, do more and along with that I’ve decided to start my own portrait business – “Portraits – by Ramona“.  However this site  – “Images – by Ramona” – is devoted to all of those other things I also love to shoot.

I hope you enjoy looking through my gallery.  (Which hasn’t been updated in FOREVER!  It’s on my list of to-do’s!)